Hello, Danielle again!!
some more images. I choose the image above because of the nice checkered floor which Eva used in a collage test she did a few weeks ago. I really like the floor- we just need to balance it out with a simple background to avoid it being too busy. also we need to make sure focus is on the main characters and their action.
I love this font
very handcrafted, frilly yet easy to read
idea for whenthe man takes miss Fanny away at the end. Could be nice with him carrying her over his shoulders. he is quite small so it would be quite a struggle and could be comical.
I think we will stick to him dragging her away but this is another idea
satirical charactature- nice pastel colours and exaggerated expression
neck detailsimilar to that of Miss Fannys- this material is more stiff but still same shape
I love 'my fair lady' and this is one of the sets for the 'horse racing' scene. I saw the producion at 'Drury Lane' several years back and loved the colours and style
an English streetsign- could be nice to include one or two to get a sense of being in London
Quite naughty image in saw on a boardgame in a shop in soho. I like the shocked expression and saucy bear behind. She is acting very coy and innocent- playful and teasing
I went to the Apollo theatre recently and took this photo of an old poster for the show 'Dont dress for dinner'.
looks very flat but beautiful- taken in baker street
miniture model of victorian shop I saw in the toy museum
Set Design that really interested me. The front and back and interior are all on one strip of paper which would be easy to transfer into aftereffects